


Roger Folco

My first photos were taken with old cameras that I unearthed as a child at "zézette". She ran an auction house in which a great mess reigned. This shed was supplied by his brother who cleared bulky items in private homes. Each visit was an adventure for me. I never left without having found a 'treasure' that my meager savings allowed me to acquire ...

My first '20x36' reflex camera was acquired at the age of 15. It was for me the opportunity to extend my photographic curiosity to many fields hitherto impossible… What happiness was mine then.

Even today, my camera in hand, I enter a meditative form where all the daily constraints fade away… and a new adventure begins… and what happiness to touch the souls of others through images… Ne dit -not that a picture is worth 1000 words ...

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Ferran Cremades

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Yveline Le Grand

Writer and biographer, passionate in multimedia communication.

A first novel published in 2020 by Harmattan editions , a second one expecting to be published, several biographies as a ghostwriter, many websites, a permaculture garden in the making ...

Enthusiastic about the concept of the New World Art, so happy to contribute!

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